Top 20 Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts | Default Photoshop Keyboard Shortcut PDF File | Etechforbd

Top 20 Photoshop Default Keyboard Shortcuts

This PDF chapter contains 32 pages of tables that show nearly all the known keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop, Camera Raw and Bridge. I have supplied this content as a separate PDF so that you can refer to it on screen, or you can make a print copy to keep beside your computer. Also, by providing the shortcuts on a PDF, I have freed up more space in the main book to discuss all the main features in Photoshop.

In case you didn’t know this already, there are a lot of shortcuts in Photoshop. Just about every letter key and modifier key combination has been used up and it is for this reason that you sometimes have to pay special attention when upgrading Photoshop, because with each release there are always lots of subtle changes where certain keystrokes have had to be reassigned to carry out new functions. Plus don’t forget that you can also use the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog from the Edit menu to create your own custom keyboard shortcut settings.

Top 20 Photoshop Keyboard Shortcut-Etechforbd
1 If the type tool is selected then the space bar is used to add spaces into the text. So it can only be used to access the hand tool when any tool other than a type tool is selected. * These shortcuts show the currently selected tool within the group. A modifier key cycles between the others. (See the choice of Modifier key over the page).

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